why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?


why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?

In: 12395

16 Answers

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Why does X cost $Y?

Because people are willing to pay $Y.

Popcorn costs pennies. People pay $5 or more at the theater. But popcorn at the movies is tradition, so people pay it. The cost to make the popcorn is irrelevant. It’s a big movie, they want popcorn. This is the only way to get it.

My company sells expensive scientific electronics. A box the size of a lunchbox costs $40,000. It costs us roughly half that to build. And it’s been long enough to not need to worry about past development costs. But nobody else makes something comparable. So universities and the Air Force pay it.

I think for brown rice, it’s seen by customers the same way as wheat bread. Things that are seen as the healthier option are expected to be a little more expensive. Notice that the cost to produce is not part of that equation.

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