why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?


why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?

In: 12395

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why is puffed rice so god damned expensive compared to dry rice? It’s a shelf stable high volume commodity product.

You are adding one massive industrial process onto a sting of 5, it should add pennies per pound. Double the price is fine, but not a full order of magnitude 1000+% increase at retail.

Cereal is about the cheapest food on earth, until it’s breakfast cereals. It’s 10x more work to turn grains into bread with 1/10th the shelf life with a much smaller margin.

It’s life if roasted peanuts were .99c & salted roasted peanuts were $9.99

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