why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?


why is white rice cheaper than brown rice if it’s the processed form of latter?

In: 12395

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re generally about the same price if you control for the type and brand.

For instance:



All else being equal, you’d expect white rice to be more expensive, but I suspect because it’s a higher volume item, there’s some economy of scale that makes up the difference.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you were five, I would mention in addition to the other responses, that the cost of production sometimes is not a factor in the price that you sell it for. The price you can sell something for is closely related to the price that someone is willing to spend on it. This is not only always true, and somewhat over simplified. A luxury car that sells for 3x the average car price does not mean it costs 3x to produce.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Health Food premium. I’m old enough to remember when brown rice cost less than white rice. In fact many grains that were once considered “poor people food” now sell for a premium at places like Whole Foods.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are willing to pay more for brown rice, so the distributors/retailers charge accordingly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone is over complicating this.

One word.. Marketing

Brown rice is “healthier” which encouraged supermarkets to move the price up

Anonymous 0 Comments

Price is rarely based on cost. In terms of price all cost tells you is the minimum you can charge without losing money. Brown rice costs more because white rice is seen as the default and brown as a “healthy alternative product” so sellers can price it as if it is a higher quality product.