Why is your brain making up excuses for you to not start dieting?


Title says it, people come up with excuses and doubts to not start bettering themselves even though they know the science behind it but can’t seem to accept that it’s that simple. For example burning more calories than you consume to lose weight.

In: Biology

9 Answers

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If you look at it from your body’s perspective, what you are doing makes no sense. IF you are restricting what you eat, then your body is like “uh oh – there’s a food supply problem!” and will naturally encourage you to seek out additional food so that the food doesn’t run out.

Your body doesn’t know you’re trying to lose weight, it knows that it’s suddenly expending more energy than it’s bringing in, and it will work to counter this (kind of like how you don’t wait till you go through your savings to fix your budget).

This is a very helpful trait. It keeps humans alive. It EXISTS because it keeps humans alive. We just managed to create a scenario where it’s counterproductive.

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