Why isn’t it possible for hands to regrow?


When a piece of skin, muscle, bone, nails, or hair gets removed or damaged, those usually grow back like nothing happened. So, why isn’t it possible for hands, or even something smaller like a finger to regrow? Or would a piece of meat just regrow there instead of something useful?

In: 563

21 Answers

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You know when you play with play-dough and you can make lots of different shapes? And if you accidentally squish one, you can easily just make it again? That’s because play-dough is very simple and doesn’t have many parts. But our bodies, including our hands, are much more complicated. They have lots and lots of parts like bones, muscles, skin, nerves, and blood vessels.

You know how when you get a cut, it heals up after some time? That’s because your skin can regenerate, or grow back. But the other parts inside your hand, like your bones and nerves, can’t regenerate in the same way. That’s why when we lose a part of our body, like a hand, it doesn’t grow back.

Now, you might wonder why a lizard can regrow its tail or a starfish can grow a new arm. These animals are very different from us. Their bodies work in a different way and can rebuild themselves even after losing big parts. Scientists are studying them to see if we can learn how to help humans regenerate body parts better, but we still have a lot to learn.

Remember, our bodies are incredible and can do many amazing things, but regrowing a whole hand is something they can’t do right now. And that’s why we need to take good care of the hands we have.

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