Why isn’t it possible for hands to regrow?


When a piece of skin, muscle, bone, nails, or hair gets removed or damaged, those usually grow back like nothing happened. So, why isn’t it possible for hands, or even something smaller like a finger to regrow? Or would a piece of meat just regrow there instead of something useful?

In: 563

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are multiple things at play….

– After we born we lose the abilty to “contruct” bodyparts. In the womb we were in a “sterile” protected environment where we supposed to be “contructed

– A fully formed human doesn’t have that many stemcells to grow new things and we never had the ability to grow grown up things. If we could regrow an adult arm, that arm would have to “grow up” and would lack behind the years it would take to grow an adult arm. (Think Deadpool baby foot and baby hand, just not accelerated)

Not to meantion that a baby arm could not connect to the circulatory system, muscles, blood vessels. It is just anatomically not possible

– Outside the womb we are not protected, the body doesn’t even try to regrow things since by the time we would do that, the open wound would allow pathogens to enter the body. Better just seal of the breach.

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