Why isn’t magma uniform in composition?


As different volcanoes erupt, those with lava can have significantly different amounts of dissolved gasses, different viscosities, and so on. Why isn’t this fluid more uniform? Is there something structural about the earth that prevents magma from mixing? Is it even all a liquid?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquid is a very weird term, glass for example is a liquid. With magma it’s the same. But the real reason for this is that the magma which is ejected out of a vulcano is mostly “local” smelted material, which differs all over the world. Some lava is also more hot than other which also plays a role.

EDIT: Glass is not a true liquid. I wanted to use it to show how slowly magma actually flows, which is why “local” materials make up a good part of the lava.

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