Why isn’t the term “white trash” considered offensive?


Sure, not a nice term at all, but if you were to substitute the word white for any other race/color such as “black trash”, “yellow trash”, etc. it would sound wayy more offensive and I would imagine be led with some public backlash! Yet I see the term “white trash” thrown around in some casual conversations, tv shows, and pop culture with not much afterthought.

In: Other

12 Answers

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This is anecdotal and limited, mind, but I feel like I’ve primarily heard this term used in a self-identifying,
I guess reclaimed way? Like as a way to encapsulate a certain combination of dress, music, food, etc. preferences. There’s undoubtedly still a vein of classism and/or racial implications, but I don’t typically hear it used in function as a put-down.

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