Why isn’t there a supplement to fortify your gut microbiome to deal with food borne illness?


So I have heard that people in India have a much stronger gut biome with much more diverse gut flora than westerners, which is why it’s unsafe for westerners to eat meat in India. But I’ve also heard of people who have lived there a while and suffered greatly at first but developed that same microbiome. Would it theoretically be possible to develop a supplement to create that microbiome, like probiotics, and if not, why not?

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6 Answers

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there is, they’re called travel vaccines. Travel vaccines, also called travel immunizations, are shots travelers can get before visiting certain areas of the world that help protect them from serious illnesses. Vaccinations work by exposing the body to a germs or parts of germs of the disease it will protect against. You can’t get the disease from the vaccine because the viruses or bacteria are dead or severely weakened. The body responds to the vaccination by making antibodies that will protect you if you are exposed to the disease in the future.Travel vaccines are safe, effective ways to help protect travelers from bringing home more than they bargained for.

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