: Why most men get unexplained morning-wood during winter/cold climate than summer/hot temperature?


: Why most men get unexplained morning-wood during winter/cold climate than summer/hot temperature?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are several causes of morning wood.

1) Blood Pressure cycle rhythms. Your body changes blood pressure several times throughout the night to regulate health of various parts of your body and while blood flow in increased to the genitals you will develop a partial or full erection.

2) Physical stimulation from bedding and clothes can cause a partial or full erection.

3) Erotic Dreams can cause an erection.

4) Your body can also give you a partial erection when you have a full bladder as a mechanism to aid in not urinating unconsciously.

Temperature does not have much affect on things, but what affect it does have will be the opposite of what you are thinking. Because cold causes your genitals to shrink to protect sperm production via pulling them into the core of your body you are actually slightly less likely to get morning wood if you are chilly. However if you are sleeping with more bedding during that time your genitals will still be warm and you may have more physical stimulation on them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Actually, it’s the opposite of what you said, morning wood is more likely to happen when it’s warm. This is because of changes in blood pressure and circulation. When it’s cold, your body restricts blood flow to the extremities (including the penis) in order to direct more blood to the abdominal organs, and this makes it harder to get erections in general.