Why most men with low testosterone levels feel like crap meanwhile women seem to do just fine with their even lower testosterone levels?


Why most men with low testosterone levels feel like crap meanwhile women seem to do just fine with their even lower testosterone levels?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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Women have significantly more estrogen receptors throughout their body, while men have significantly more androgen receptors throughout theirs. Studies show that the transcriptional morphology of these receptors differs between genders, and estrogen and testosterone can have opposite effects between them when it comes to physical, neurological, and sexual function.

However, despite this, the two hormones still have positive benefits for both sexed, it’s just that our genetics and epigenetic calls for different concentrations of these hormones to be produced to fit our hormonal environment. Estrogen is important for bone density. While testosterone is important for cognitive function. These benefits apply to both genders.

I’ll give you a hint as to why testosterone is lower nowadays; with how much xenoestrogens are within the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and the food we eat, women are generally doing much better than men, and have more ‘ideally’ developed secondary sexual characteristics than men did. Men had broader shoulders, redder and thicker skin, more easily developed muscles, and more collagen/thicker joints 100 years ago, due to the absence of xenoestrogens which inhibit the androgen receptor directly, and the common presence of unhealthy, yet testosterone/DHT-raising activities such as smoking tobacco all day.

I hope I put that as clearly and as simply for you as possible. I’m studying biochemistry at university and want to go into the study of medicine. This is something I myself have thought about almost daily. And I’ll add this, if you are asking this because you are depressed, I highly recommend boosting your testosterone by eating healthy, exercising daily, and avoiding xenoestrogens as much as possible.

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