Why most men with low testosterone levels feel like crap meanwhile women seem to do just fine with their even lower testosterone levels?


Why most men with low testosterone levels feel like crap meanwhile women seem to do just fine with their even lower testosterone levels?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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Women aren’t designed to need testosterone, likewise men aren’t designed to need oestrogen. If you put diesel in a petrol car and petrol in a diesel car neither is going to work particularly well.

Testosterone itself is a steroid. It numbs pain, it accelerates healing and tissue growth, it opens the body for change and makes men more adaptable and more tolerable of harsh conditions. It makes our muscles significantly larger and stronger, it makes our fat more insulative, and it makes our skin thicker and more cellulose keeps our skin tight and less prone to cellulite (blobby fat deposits poking through the skin). When your testosterone levels get really high that’s when things get really weird: your senses get a lot sharper, your aggression can be set on a hair trigger but confidence goes through the roof, your body more efficiently processes food so more fat and muscle and energy is produced and less is “wasted”, and your sex drive really takes off.

Compare that to a man with low testosterone: more body fat, physically weaker, less efficient metabolism, duller senses, higher sensitivity to pain and the cold, slower, insecure (less self-confident would probably be a better phrase), easier to wound and bruise, wounds heal a lot slower, poorer memory and mental focus, less able to socialise, and has less sex.

Both sexes have specialised sex organs and hormones that keep everything running and testosterone really does cover everything. A lot of men make huge sweeping changes in their diet and lifestyle in order to maximise their own testosterone production because it’s so important to how our body works, especially when you get older and the body’s ability to make testosterone plummets. A woman will likely never have more testosterone in her system at any age than a man does when he’s in his 50s. Too much testosterone in a woman can cause severe physical deformities, pain, and sterility as her body changes.

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