why multiple people can use wireless earbuds in the same space without interference?

303 viewsEngineeringOther

I had this thought just now at the gym. I noticed multiple people, myself included, using wireless earbuds during our workouts – specifically AirPods.
My question is, if multiple people are using AirPods that work on the same frequency/signal, how come our music doesn’t all interfere with each other? How do each of our phones/AirPods differentiate from the others a few feet away from me?

In: Engineering

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a scientist, but won’t there be interference? If you have enough radio traffic in the same band, similar to wifi etc.
Your airbuds won’t play or process another’s signal, but they will receive and filter it out?

Potentially missing or delaying received information from your phone.

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