Why oceans on earth are not absorbed by earths crust completly


Why oceans on earth are not absorbed by earths crust completly

In: Geology

5 Answers

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Not 100% sure what you’re asking but here I go. The earths tectonic plates are super close to each other, some over lap some form ocean trenches under that is a super dense layer of earth made from rock called the mantle, it’s made up of iron, silicon, etc. Water most likely seeps into the mantle but the mantle is virtually impermeable,enough so to withstand a large amount of erosion. Of course there is alot more to it than that but that’s a quick little summary (ps parts of the mantle that are eroded off usually join the tectonic plates as lava or a new plate,the later it takes a super long time and is rare, its very unlikely to happen during our or even our great great great grandkids time)

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