Why only baby shampoo doesn’t hurt your eyes?


Almost every baby shampoo you will find in a store doesn’t hurt your eyes but any other type will. What is the actual reason behind that? Why not make every shampoo safe for our eyes?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The thing that hurts your eyes (as mentioned by u/PierogInTheButt SLS) is strong and cheap/widely available. Making ‘adult’ shampoos not hurt your eyes would make them more expensive and/or not as good (which means you’d need more of it, making it even more expensive). You *can* get eye-safe shampoos for adults, but most people chose the cheaper/better ‘normal’ shampoos, because they’re good at not getting it in their eyes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) that hurts your eyes – it’s a strong detergent. Shampoos without SLS that aren’t meant for babies exist, just look at the list of ingredients and take the one that doesn’t have it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The tears in the slogan “No more tears” by Loreal is not tears from your eyes, but tears in your hair, you know, like tearing paper apart.