Why paper blows away


I ate out yesterday under a fan and noticed that the wax paper and foil that we got with our food kept blowing away if we didn’t put something on it. Regarding this, I had two questions pop into my mind.

1) Why does the paper/foil blow away sideways even though the fan is directly above us?

2) Why is it that if we crumple the paper/foil it doesn’t move anymore? The weight obviously doesn’t change, so why does it suddenly gain the power to resist the air blown by the fan?


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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the fan is blowing down, once the air hits the table it has to go sideways. So its going to flow across the paper causing aerodynamic lift. Crumpled up it has much less surface area and surfaces at many different angles to the air stream so less concerted force in a particular direction

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