Why people don’t die or get serious flu or infection when they travel to different continent? Won’t our immune system get exposed to altogether different kinds of bacteria and viruses?


There had been many incidents in history when people from other continents brought outbreak of diseases along with them (for eg, diseases brought by the Spaniards to the Incas), why such things doesn’t happen today, atleast not on a large scale?

Also I’m not from science background, so sorry if the question was dumb.

In: Biology

6 Answers

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If you’re going to certain continents it is heavily recommended to get various vaccinations due to this reason.

Also, I think we can assume that today in the age of globalization, diseases are more spread out. When the Europeans first came to the Americas, lots of natives died due to a lack of immunity. Today, with everyone constantly going to different continents, and immigrants and all that, it’s less of an issue perhaps.

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