why people have significant difference in the power of the two lenses they use even though both the eyes almost experience similar environments?


why people have significant difference in the power of the two lenses they use even though both the eyes almost experience similar environments?

In: 15

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Suspect eye dominance is involved. Try reading with one eye at a time— it’s much harder with the nondominant one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our bodies are not made perfectly. We some people have one leg longer than the other. When things like both your legs are the exact same we call that symmetrical. Some peoples bodies do not go symmetrical for a variety of reasons including environment, chemicals in the body and their DNA.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The lenses in my eyes aren’t the same shape, so the lenses in my glasses have to fix different problems. People are mostly symmetrical but not perfect. The lenses (help) fix that.