Why puberty starts earlier nowadays?

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I’ve seen a study which found that the age of puberty (especially female puberty) is dropping rapidly. In 1860 it started around 16.8 and in 2010 it was 10.8. Why is that? Is there any explanation?

In: Biology

39 Answers

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The factors that go into puberty are very complex. Although the general lowering of puberty age is thought to be nutrition related, it is likely not the only thing affecting it. Genetics, certain environmental conditions, and potentially certain health issues can also impact puberty. Even today, puberty is very variable. I started my period at age 8 while my gf started hers at 15, for example.

POCS runs in my family as well as other auto immune conditions thought to influence hormone levels. Women in my family also start puberty earlier than considered normal (one cousin needed puberty blockers as she was only 5)

So, it could be the case that as a result of modern medicine, conditions that impact hormone levels are more prevalent today. As earlier in history, before we understood hormone imbalances and their impact on the body these issues may have severely impacted fertility, life expectancy, and ability to have sexual relationships (aka being thrown in an insane asylum for “hysteria” or being generally outcast due to mental health issues which are now treatable with hrt)

This is also subject to reporting rates. Both hormone imbalanceing conditions and the age of puberty were unlikely to have been under much scrutiny in earlier history. “Women’s issues” have historically been taboo and not discussed, so it’s possible we just simply didn’t know how often these conditions affected our ancestors and how that relates to modern puberty rates.

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