Why RCA cables can use only one cable for video, but need 2 for stereo audio (L+R)?


Seems like a 640×480 colour video should be more complex than a stereo signal audio.

In: Technology

7 Answers

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The connectors are just that, connectors. How many you need depends on what type of signal is sent through the cables. For example there are several video signal standards that use three or even five RCA connectors. But it have become common to combine these signals into one composite signal as this is easier. This is how the signal is sent over the air so TVs already have hardware to decode it into separate signals. But even over the air the sound signals is sent as two separate signals so there is no hardware to reduce it down to one connector. Although several such standards does exist and when CDs and digital music became common it became very common to have a single digital audio connector instead of two or more connectors. For example many DVD players only required you to connect the yellow RCA connector to your TV and the orange RCA connector to your digital stereo.

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