Why Remineralizing RO Water Is Necessary?


My friend suggested me to buy remineralizing RO filter as he read in [various guides](https://www.aquaprofessor.com/how-to-remineralize-reverse-osmosis-water/) that such filters are necessary. But I thought RO filters are enough for safe water. Helpful answers are welcome!

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5 Answers

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With regular drinking water you get to consume some metal ions for free, calcium, magnesium, iron from rusted pipes. Otherwise these have to come from food, cooked on a rusted iron pan. A slightly mineralized water might taste better compared to distilled. It is probably not a big deal. I’ve heard people can taste the difference in coffee and cooked pasta, but I’ve not been able to.

And if you have to buy an additional filter part, then the minerals are no longer free.

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