A person in southwest Florida died after being infected with Naegleria fowleri, commonly known as the “brain-eating amoeba.”
The infection occurred “possibly as a result of sinus rinse practices utilizing tap water,”
Most likely due to the fact that tap water can have different ranges of organisms or bacteria in it, which could at irritate your sinuses. Distilled water at least gets rid of that risk.
Also, “clearing” your sinuses by breathing in the steam from a shower is very different than flushing them with a direct squirt of water directly up your nose.
Flushing your sinuses is an entirely different ballgame than just getting the lower 5 mm of your nostrils slightly moist.
There is a very thin membrane in your sinuses that leads to your brain. Tap water can be contaminated with microbes that can pass this barrier and cause various brain infections, in addition to the chlorine and fluoride not being very good for your delicate sinus skin. Sealed distilled water on the other hand is sterile and pure.
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