why sleeping on a harder bed is better for your back?


why sleeping on a harder bed is better for your back?

In: 14

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A soft bed flexes and sags in the middle which causes your spine to sag accordingly. A firmer bed supports your spine by conforming to the natural curves in your spine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re a stomach sleeper, as you get older, larger, and have a weaker back then when you sleep on your stomach your lower back will arch the wrong way on a soft bed. A firmer need will prevent this arching and feels much better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We got a super firm bed a year ago and it’s killing my back. Right in the middle where no amount of stretching can reach. F that S. Pressure points are a thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I never got that, either. Hard beds are killing me. Since we bought new and way softer mattresses we sleep a lot better, regarding our body comfort

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends. Your want your mattress to be firm enough to support your weight so that your spine is in a natural position. If you’re too light for your bed, your back is too straight, which is stressful. If you’re too heavy, your back is too curved, which is stressful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on what position you tend to sleep in. If you’re a side sleeper, a softer mattress might be fine and helps accommodate your curves to keep your spine straight. For stomach and back sleepers, firm mattresses are nice because they offer more support for the spine and help keep things aligned as you sleep, rather than sagging and having weird twisting/pressure on your spine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From having worked in mattress sales, neither harder nor softer is better for your back. Different regions of your body need different levels of support. An orthopaedic mattress should be doing exactly that. Softer around the shoulders and hips, because they’re heavier and need to sink in more and firmer around the lower back to maintain your neutral spine alignment whether you’re on your back or on your side.