Why so many programs are still 32-bit


Many programs i use on my computer ( steam for example ) are still using 32 bits according to task manager. Why is that ? Why haven’t evertything moved to x86-64 ? According to a quick google search, the last 32-bits cpu was sold in 2002… so it can’t be for compatibility reasons, can it ?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s mostly because if your app can work in 32 bit there no reason to update it. A lot of programs don’t need to access more than 4gb of memory so during the years of development they haven’t needed to update it.

There’s still a lot of people running 32 bit systems so many programs that work just fine on 64 bit via a 32 bit architecture aren’t updated as it’s additional work to support 2 versions of the same thing. Or write a from scratch version of a 64 bit.

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