Why so some objects bounce back up after they hit something?


Why so some objects bounce back up after they hit something?


3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually things that bounce are compressible, like rubber. When it bounces it deforms itself against whatever surface it is that it hits. And when it does this, those atoms want to return to their normal structure, this “return” effect is what makes the bounce, like compressing a spring and letting go of it. When it snaps back to shape it’s exerting a force off of the surface it hit. This is why trampolines work, you are stretching the fabric and the springs and they want to go back to their original position, his effect moves you into the air. The more tension there is between atoms the more dramatic the launch effect is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most objects have some elasticity in them. This is the amount of non permanent deformation it can abosorb i.e. how much can you stretch/compress it and it still returns to it’s original shape.

What happens is that when an Object hits the floor, and the impact force is below it’s elasticity, it will non permanently deform. Because it’s non permanent, the object will expand back to it’s original shape as soon as the impact force subsides. This expansion causes it to propel itself back into the air again

Anonymous 0 Comments
