Why some can get fall over drunk but some can’t have a few drinks before feeling sick or being too tired to keep going


Why some can get fall over drunk but some can’t have a few drinks before feeling sick or being too tired to keep going

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly it’s an issue of tolerance, body mass, and your metabolism.

Tolerance: The human body builds a tolerance to the effects of alcohol but not a tolerance to the lethal dose. That makes knowing your limits tricky. Alcohol poisoning is real, folks. AEB the recent well publicized case of a grandmother making a preschooler finish the bottle of liquor as punishment for sneaking drink it, which costs the child her life. Chronic alcoholics sometimes stagger over the line and don’t wake up from their alcohol induced stupors. They can also asphyxiate on their own vomit. Keep an eye on anyone who passes out drunk in your orbit and roll them into the recovery position so they don’t choke in the night.

Body mass: Obliviously someone with a larger body mass can hold their liquor better than someone with less body mass. It’s why men can match a smaller woman drink for drink and still have the presence of mind to do things he shouldn’t at the end of the night and one of several reasons medications come in different strengths.

Metabolism: Alcohol has an extremely short half life. That’s means it flushes out of your system relatively quickly. We all know people who can eat all day long and never gain an ounce, right? They are the very same people who metabolize alcohol faster than the rest of us and thus aren’t as impaired.

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