why some normal people when put in extremely stressful or brutal situations develop PTSD and some become “hardened”?


I wonder because there are ceases of policemen in Mexico or people in brutal wars that either become fearless or develop crippling PTSD.

And both were normal people so we don’t count psychopaths only avrage people who were shocked to core by brutally of situations they are put in.

Why do they become so different? Why advice you will just harden and get used to it is sometimes true and sometimes couldn’t be more wrong?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would argue that becoming “hardened” is a form of PTSD in that it is damage to your psyche. You react in a stressed way to the situation. It’s just that your stressed reaction is effective and at least partially helpful as opposed to a stress reaction that is useless (such as crumpling into a heap).

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