why some normal people when put in extremely stressful or brutal situations develop PTSD and some become “hardened”?


I wonder because there are ceases of policemen in Mexico or people in brutal wars that either become fearless or develop crippling PTSD.

And both were normal people so we don’t count psychopaths only avrage people who were shocked to core by brutally of situations they are put in.

Why do they become so different? Why advice you will just harden and get used to it is sometimes true and sometimes couldn’t be more wrong?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain is a very funny thing actually. There are a lot of different things that effect how you respond to a crazy life changing event.

To keep it ELI5 though:

Some people aren’t prepared or have never tried to prepare for some situations. Some people can prepare every day for something bad to happen and still not handle it well.

The big things though are
Did you have zero control of the situation?
If yes then PTSD (obviously generally speaking here)
Were you young? Premature?
Were you alone? Yes? PTSD
Anyone in your family have this happen before you and talk about it? No?
Etc etc etc

Basically in there are way to many variables and it’s a person by person basis but those are some ideas for you to get your brain rolling the right direction

*on mobile sorry for formatting issues*

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