Why sometimes usb cables(or other cables) have to be put in unusual position for them to work?


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You know, an usb cable works perfectly then, the next day you have to play with it, put the cord upwards, put the cord downwards, now it works only at a specific 63 degrees angle.

I associate this with the copper wearing out, or burning… but is that really it?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re really small, really intricate plugs. Normally, there are several different terminals on the inside of the plug. There are a lot of points of possible failure. I’m no usb engineer, but I suspect that where the wire terminates into the usb head is a point of failure, or the usb head itself bends to the point that it no longer produces a good contact with the port, so you have to tweak it to make good contact. Try to be easier on the connection to improve the life of your cables.

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