Why tennis players pick and choose from different balls?


I can’t find any real explanation for this. Are there different balls? Some harder, some faster… or is it just a habit from players?

In: 56

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some balls will have more fuzz, more bounce, etc. No matter how uniform the production, there’s always some variance in the end product and this becomes even more true once they start to get used. These small differences give them slightly different properties and when you play enough of a sport you start to notice minor things about equipment and develop preferences. Some of it might be habit or superstition, but much of it is just picking a ball that you feel will behave the way you want.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In general for a first serve they want a brand new ball or a less used ball so it has more bounce and is faster when hit.

For a second serve they want more fuzz which generates more topspin due to more air resistance which makes it more reliable and not as likely to go out and also gives it a more unpredictable flight path.

Not everyone is picky, like serena. But at the top 0.001% everything matters.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Considering the amount of force tennis balls get hit with, there is a huge difference in quality between brand new balls and ones that have been knocked around for 7-9 games (when they get replaced in ATP tournaments). So players can take advantage of this difference in their serving strategy to get a slight edge over their opponent. New balls will be more aerodynamic and give you more speed. Used ones will generate more spin due to deformations in the fuzz.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While it is true that different balls will have different properties, the reason that you see professional tennis players pick a ball (or two) and throw remaining balls back to the ball boys is that doing so is part of their service routine.

Each professional tennis player has a routine they go through between points to help them review their play (what’s working and isn’t), reset themselves physically and emotionally before the next point, and ensure consistency in service from one point to the next.

For more information on the service ritual: https://www.usta.com/en/home/improve/tips-and-instruction/national/improve-your-tennis-game–develop-a-serve-ritual.html#:~:text=Your%20service%20ritual%20can%20be,sense%20of%20control%20and%20focus.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Somewhat a habit, but there is a real difference in the “fuzziness” of different balls, and a real difference in how balls behave based on their fuzziness. That means a different ball may be “best” based on how much curve you want, or don’t want, etc. It’s understood that there’s probably a slight actual advantage, plus the mental/confidence boost that comes from feeling you’ve chosen the perfect ball. That said, there are a few pros that never reject balls and always use the first one – so maybe it’s more mental after all.

Here’s a 5 minute video from Vox called “[What Tennis Pros Look At When They Choose a Ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChzL17zV9hA)” that breaks down the science, plus interview clips from some top players and coaches.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When one hits a tennis ball the fuzzier a ball is the more it will curve with spin applied by hitting the ball of center. Over a match the different balls will wear differently through use. Some players are better at applying spin than others, or will apply more spin to a second serve, to maximize the chance of continuing the point even if they have less chance of an ace on the second serve.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, if new balls are used during the match it is sportsmanlike to make your opponent aware by raising the ball for them to acknowledge a new ball is being used.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a former ball boy and competitive tennis player for over 15 years, some of the answers here are too deep lol. Tennis players are some of the most superstitious people you’ll ever meet. Some players want the ball they just won a point with, but many don’t want that ball because the point heats it up and makes it less firm. In general, they just want a firm ball with fuzz in good condition because serving is such a huge advantage that they want it to be as effective as possible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I always pick the ball with the least fuzz for my first serve (which I hit hard and with limited spin) and the more fuzzy ball for my second serve (which I hit with a lot more topspin).