Why the abuse of drugs like Morphine and Heroin condemned by the society but consumption of alcohol considered acceptable? Don’t both the type of substances act the same way on the Nervous System?


Why the abuse of drugs like Morphine and Heroin condemned by the society but consumption of alcohol considered acceptable? Don’t both the type of substances act the same way on the Nervous System?

In: Biology

9 Answers

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The most compelling theory I’ve heard is ancient commerce created a social favoritism towards alcohol.

Go back 1000+ years. Alcohol doesn’t spoil, making trade highly lucrative, especially over seas. Wanna ban it and there was money to stop the ban. Plant based drugs like opium, cannabis, peyote, … were difficult enough to transport that the merchants seldom had power to fight prohibition movements.

Opiates are pharmacological distinct from alcohol. The closest analog to alcohol would be benzodiazepines (xanax, etc)

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