why the new electric Volkswagen car will be able to charge within 15 minutes but phones can still take hours to fully charge


why the new electric Volkswagen car will be able to charge within 15 minutes but phones can still take hours to fully charge

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Excessive heat destroys batteries.
* Electricity moving through wires produces heat (when the electrons smash into other things inside the wire.)
* Car batteries can be hooked up to thick cables that
* Heat is an unavoidable part of using electricity for anything (charger batteries included).
* Have a very low resistance
* Can handle larger amounts of heat than the tiny wires used for phone charging.
* Also Car sized battery chargers can be hooked up to special high power connections in your house that phone chargers cannot. (Same as electric stove/oven and electric clothes dryers).

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