Why the temperature drops just before the sun rises?


Why the coldest part of a night is most of the time at dawn? How do we explain this signifiant temperature drop?

EDIT: I get answers telling that’s because sun has been out the longest when sun rises again. Indeed it makes sense that the night will continuously go coolest, but the weird thing is: There is a real, proper drop on the thermometer every morning at the dawn, event if we stayed at 5°c all night long, at the very first lights, it will drop to 4°c and then go back to 5°c a moment later (actually happened again this morning).

The reason of this radical drop is my question.

Thank you guys it’s amazing to have questions and to be able to ask it to you. Love this sub.


In: Geology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I figure that the world is like a rock that was out in the sun. The sun goes away and it starts cooling down and getting cooler and cooler at a steady rate.

Until the sun comes back and starts warming it up again.

So it’s always coolest when it has been out of the sun the longest. Which is right before dawn.

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