Why the unit of angular random walk of Gyroscope is °/√s or °/√hr rather than °/s or °/hr ?


Why the unit of angular random walk of Gyroscope is °/√s or °/√hr rather than °/s or °/hr ?

In: 0

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You just integrate a random number, so it’s just as likely to go up as it is to go down, so it doesn’t go up and up with time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

its the standard deviation of the gyro. Equation for standard deviation is √(1/sampleTime *Sum((actualDegrees-expectedDegrees)^2 )

so you have √(°^2 /s) or °/√s

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a random walk, you take random steps forward or backward at the flip of a coin and ask how far you are from your starting point at the end. If I take 4 steps, they *could* be all in the same direction so I could be 4 steps from the start, but that’s really unlikely. Much more likely to have about as many forward steps as backward, for a final distance 0, 1, or 2 away from the start.

As I take more steps, my most likely distance from the start increases, but not in proportion. [It turns out](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_walk) that if I take N steps, my most likely distance from the start is about sqrt(N).

Thus, real-world processes that behave like random walks have deviations that increase not with time, but with the square root of time.