The tear gland and oil glands open on, and just behind the eyelids. You can whip an eyeball out but the glands still produce secretions. If you stitch the eyelids shut those secretions will build up and eventually become infected – they need somewhere to go.
Anonymous 0
I’m sure they could (if allowed) if that was discussed in advance, and surely would be, but some are going to want a prosthetic eye to be put in later. Plus, you aren’t going to want to trap a foreign object in there. It will need to be removed, replaced, or cleaned eventually.
Anonymous 0
Apart from anything else, the blink reflex fires in both eyes. It would get very irritating very quickly to have eyelids on one side glued together with the reflex palpable.
Anonymous 0
As someone with multiple single-eyed friends, it would be a lot more effort to explain socially. Glass eyes are a lot less obtrusive than a permanent wink. One of my friends didnt tell me for years, and nobody had noticed.
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