Why Third Position is diffrent from centrism?


So, there is a economical axis. Capitalism and socialism. When we combine them both, we get third position.
I’ve tried to understand something from Wikipedia. I know that it is a neonazi ideology, but it’s like combination of both. Why isn’t it a centrism?

In: Economics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it isn’t a *blend* or *compromise* position.

It is an ideology that takes far-right policy positions and socialist economic positions. This leaves you with a far-right government in action, with some different fiscal policies behind the scenes.

It is not so much on a line between between free market capitalism and socialism, as it is a third point on a triangle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Economics and politics are complex. There are more than two options to solve any given problem. Dividing every issue into right and left wing options is just a process of creating straw men.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you were to plot these on a left-right spectrum, socialism would be left-wing, capitalism would be centrist, and Third Position would be far-right. (Also capitalism is not an ideology).

The political spectrum is not just about “more socialist vs. more capitalist.” “Far-right” doesn’t mean “the most capitalistic”, far from it actually.