Why video streaming services are not like music streaming services.


Why video streaming platforms “fight for exclusive content” while music streaming platforms provide almost the same content ?

If I want to watch a marvel movie I need a subscription to disney+, if I want to watch the boys it’s on prime video, if it’s sex education it’s on netflix.

I’m willing to pay 50€/month for a service that provides everything but that doesn’t exist… (I know I can subscribe to almost everything at this price, but there’s too much trouble switching between apps to find a specific movie). So the question is “why it is this way for video and the other way for music ?”

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just the way things are. Video companies are willing to pay a premium to video owners to have their content on their platform. Meanwhile, partly due to the absolutely massive volume of people producing music, and to try drumming up future album sales, music companies often distribute songs rather freely, with a system of “pay us royalties every time you play this song.”

So video gets their money upfront. Music is pay-as-you-go. Video also costs a lot more to produce than a song, which is why they tend to want money upfront, and offering exclusive rights increases the value of having that video available if it’s a popular show/movie.

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