Why videos at 60 FPS are great but gaming at 60 FPS is not that good?


Why videos at 60 FPS are great but gaming at 60 FPS is not that good?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Videos that are recorded and played back at the same FPS will have the appropriate Motion Blur. If you take a film that records/plays at 24 FPS, in 1/24th of a second, the film will capture all the motion of an actors movements. When that frame is played back, you see all that motion blur.

With video games, you can’t really create a convincing motion blur. You create crisp perfect images for every single frame. Since there’s no blur, you have to play it back fast enough for the human eye to be reasonably fooled.

60 FPS is usually enough for that. Some professional gamers want 144 FPS or higher since it can give a competitive advantage. Gaming at ~30 FPS is really noticeable.

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