why weighted blankets make people feel better?


why weighted blankets make people feel better?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I probably won’t explain this well but it has to do with proprioception, or the “6th sense”, one’s awareness of body position in space. Things like pushing and pulling create propreoceptive input. When you see babies jumping in seats it’s not only that they have too much energy or strengthening muscles, they’re providing input to their brains- their feet hit the floor which puts pressure on their knees and hips. If you feel antsy and taking a walk helps you feel better, part of that is the propreoceptive input, same with crossing your arms tightly in front of you. Pressure is a good word to use. Straighten your arm, grab your wrist and push towards your elbow, or walk around on your toes and feel the increased pressure, that’s proprioception. The blankets activate pressure points which increase serotonin and decrease cortisol which means decreasing stress and activating relaxation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m gonna guess because it reminds the body/mind of being in the womb. Like how babies like to be wrapped like burritos nice and warm. Theres probably a more scientific reason. But my mind thinks of psychology cuz of the classes I’m taking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The weight of the blanket tricks your body into feeling like you’re being hugged. That releases serotonin/melatonin and induces a calming effect.

Edit: best investment I’ve ever had

To say the least

Anonymous 0 Comments

Something about it giving input to the proprioceptive system which calms the nervous system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a weighted blanket but it makes no difference compared to my regular duvet. I wonder why?