Why were Blackberries considered more secure then phones of other operating systems? Are blackberries still more secure then what we currently have ?


Edit; Blackberry as in the phone company/ OS. Not the fruit.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blackberries had features that allowed them to be managed by a central authority within the company. You couldn’t just install random apps from an appstore, you had to use Blackberry apps, and only the ones your company wanted you to have. You might be able to text and email, but only with other employees. This, along with built in encryption was responsible for most of their security.

There are modern apps that will allow you to lock down and control phones just like Blackberry did, and many companies employ them. However, to get a Blackberry level of control, you’d have to disable or cripple most of the features that make a smartphone useful. In particular, you would have to prevent people from downloading arbitrary apps and texting or emailing with arbitrary people.

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