Why when a person is sick can they drink 2 sips of water then throw up/pass what seems like a gallon or more?


Why when a person is sick can they drink 2 sips of water then throw up/pass what seems like a gallon or more?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you throw up, you aren’t just throwing up what you just consumed. Your brain is deciding to eject all the content of your stomach to get whatever bad substance may be in there.

This may include other liquid or food you may have consumed in the past hour or so, as well as things like saliva and bile your stomach produces as part of normal function to digest food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because what they’re throwing up isn’t just water. That’s stomach acid, which the body continually produces.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I puked all night a few weeks ago, believe me, after a few times, the only thing that comes out is what you put in, had to force myself to drink water, so it doesnt hurt as much when my stupid body tried to puke when almost nothings in my stomach.