Why when Gameboy or NES games glitch, there is often a buzzing or “screeching” sound?


I heard it was that it is trying to read non sound bytes as sound, but im not sure how accurate that is.

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3 Answers

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I’d say it’s 90% inaccurate. NES has 5 sound channels. Out of those, 4 cannot read any data from memory, they rely on CPU to tell them what to do. Also, reading non-sound data doesn’t sound like buzzing or screeching, it sounds more like radio static.

On NES, the sound chip behaves differently from modern computers. It doesn’t play recorded sound, instead it plays notes on 4 “instruments”. The CPU tells the note, the volume and the length (optional) of the note. If the CPU doesn’t send new commands and the length wasn’t specified, sound chip will just play the note indefinitely. Depending on the note and the “instrument”, it can sound like buzzing or screeching.

The only channel, that can actually play recordings from memory, also has mandatory length control, so it’s unlikely that it would just play random data.

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