why when looking at the world through satellite imagery does it look like the Pacific Ocean is overflowing into the Atlantic under the tip of South America.


When looking at the globe in this way, it very much appears the Pacific Ocean has an excess of water being pulled into it from the west but only being able to drain out from one location which appears to have heavily shaped the land beneath ocean in the part of the world to look much like a river after a dam collapse.

Were the oceans once entirely separate?

Edit- https://aambpublicoceanservice.blob.core.windows.net/oceanserviceprod/facts/coldocean.jpg


When looking at how the water flows in the world, why does it appear that the Pacific overflowing under the tip of South America into the Atlantic is what forcibly formed the continents as the water flowed through everything in its way the ground underneath the oceans apart and drowned any land in its way, such as the Indonesian Islands or the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Oceans being formed as the waters connected to one another.

Is the ocean constantly being replenished by melting glaciers responsible for the continents’ shape and distance from one another?

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The [Scotia tectonic plate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotia_Plate) and [South Sandwich tectonic plate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sandwich_Plate) sit right in that area and gives it the illusion of silt draining from one area to the other when the ocean topography is seen from space.

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