Why, when my get up time and my routine is identical daily, is there a variance of nearly 20 minutes of my ready to leave the house time?


Why, when my get up time and my routine is identical daily, is there a variance of nearly 20 minutes of my ready to leave the house time?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

realistically, because your routine is not actually identical. Maybe you just take longer on some days and are faster on others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Motivation,external factors like mailman or phone call,what you eat/drink(e.g.caffeine will get you excited),ambient temperature(more active when a little below your body temp,less active during hot or cold days),etc

Its a myriad really.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your routine isn’t identical(did you check reddit for 2 minutes before you jumped in the shower or 5 minutes?), outside factors(your dog took an extra minute and a half to use the bathroom outside), absentmindedly wasting time(you look at the clock “oh, I’m ahead of schedule, I can take my time making breakfast”).

Small variations in time per task(you might shower in 9-10 minutes every morning, only 10% variance, but that’s a full minute of variation every day) will add up as your sample size grows(the number of days you are paying attention).