Why when you evaporate coffee and store the steam until it becomes liquid again, the liquid no longer has the color of coffee?


I did this experiment one day because I was curious, sorry if it’s a stupid question

In: Chemistry

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Distillation this and that. Right. Basically, what I’m not seeing on other responses, when water turns to steam it doesn’t really have the ability to pull other things with it into the air. It’s just water. The water in the pot has a bunch of coffee stuff mixed in but when that liquid water turns into a gas, it’s pretty much like the liquid molecules saying “lol, I’m outty” and floating into the air ditching his homies behind. That selfish prick stops holding on to his other water buddies who collectively are holding on to all. The coffee goods. If all the water evaporates, let’s go of each other, and floats into the air leaving everything else that doesn’t evaporate being… you get the result of your experiment.

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