why when you’re injected with certain dyes / fluoroscopy (for body scans etc), you suddenly have the sensation of needing to pee?


why when you’re injected with certain dyes / fluoroscopy (for body scans etc), you suddenly have the sensation of needing to pee?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The pollutants injected into your bloodstream are filtered out by your kidneys, that’s their job. The concentrations are high, so the kidneys use a good amount of the water in your bloodstream to dilute them. This fills your bladder, and you actually need to urinate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The contrast agent is high in iodine. Because iodine plays an important role in the body’s metabolism, the sudden influx of iodine temporarily increases the metabolism of every cell in the body. Because this increase in metabolism results in the production of more heat, the person feels a “hot flash” throughout their body, including, of course, their genitalia, which causes a feeling of either needing to urinate, or that they had actually started to urinate.