Why will water start to taste bad when you leave it in a glass for too long, but will taste fine when you dispense it out of a tap where it’s been sitting for months?


If you leave water in a ceramic, glass, or cup it will start to taste bad after a day or two, even if it’s covered with a lid. However, when we pour water out of a tap into a glass it will taste fine, even though it’s been sitting for days/months in a water reserve tank. Why is this the case?

In: Other

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tap water has chlorine in it to help stop the germs from growing. Once water comes out of the tap the chlorine can leave the water over a day or so and the germs will start taking over.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water sitting out is exposed to carbon dioxide which is absorbed into the water. Whereas water in pipes is essentially sealed off from this happening

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try this. Take old bad water and pour it from one glass to a different glass several times. Taste and enjoy.