Why women don’t grow their muscles as big/fast as men?

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I mean, without the need of steroids

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muscle growth is a biological function that like many others is largely driven/regulated by hormones.

The hormone Testosterone is really really good at building muscle.

Men have a lot more testosterone than women.

Biological functions are very generally super complex with lots of mechanisms but for the layman you can mostly blame it on testosterone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

testosterone is a steriod, men are larger and have more skeletal muscle mass. not sure if there’s anything else to say

Anonymous 0 Comments

We are a sexually dimorphous species. Mother nature decided the species had better survivability if the sexes had slightly different things they were better at.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Y chromosome flips many gene switches that give the male body the green light to build more infrastructure much better suited at producing growth hormones and protein synthesis for muscle growth, like more testosterone & amino acid reserves. It’s like building a town. Not only are there more workers, there’s more high quality building materials, more factories producing the materials, and more government subsidisation available. An important thing to note is not only do males gain more muscle, the muscle is stronger pound for pound. This translates to around 150% to 200% the strength.

Steroids and testosterone supplements are like a cheap property developer taking shortcuts to build a very flimsy town. Sure it might look like the real deal if you squint real hard, but it all falls apart pretty fast.

The y chromosome gives you some high quality perks that you just can’t get without it.

One thing that female muscle does do better than male muscle is injury resistance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a sense you are asking the question backwards. Women have an evolutionary adaptation that allows for efficient storage of subcutaneous fat when compared to other primates. It’s a highly beneficial adaptation since it increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy in times of caloric stress.

Men on the other hand are not able to store much subcutaneous fat. Additional calories are stored as visceral fat which directly contributes to heart disease and diabetes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think something that could make this more obvious is the fact that steroids are just synthetic testosterone. So now when you say “obviously without steroids” you’re actually saying without additional testosterone. Men naturally have higher testosterone levels than women. Men are literally on steroids compared to women at normal hormonal levels

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

These are all the reasons why trans athletes should have own category or be restricted from competing against natural born women from birth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How is this a question? A 12 year old should know this much biology.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, but social factors also affect how much muscle women tend to want to grow. Testosterone facilitates microtears in the muscle, which are necessary to stimulate muscle growth; it does nothing for the healing process though. By contrast, estrogen does not facilitate microtears but does increase the rate of healing.

[Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/) had a decent article on it a while back.