Why won’t microwaving spoiled food make it safe to eat?


My understanding is that the cells of bacteria and fungi are filled with water enclosed in a balloon. Wouldn’t microwaving then pop the balloons?

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re quite right about bacteria and fungi effectively being water wrapped up in a balloon (a cell membrane)! The application of heat (by microwaving or other heat like ovens) basically shakes apart the cell membrane, resulting in the cell ripping apart- think like how an earthquake shatters a buildings walls down.

This isn’t the be all and end all. The bacteria and fungi were able to exist and divide massively in your food because, well, it’s a food source! As time went by on the foods expiry date, the fungi/bacteria were able to rapidly divide and exponentially multiply. While they were doing this they were making various proteins to break down the food that they pumped outside of themselves and soaked all around the food.

These proteins are more temperature stable than living cells, and last on even after intense heating like cooking. These proteins are often toxins and are hazardous to you, me and many other animals that leave food alone for a bit too long. Evolution for us has prepared us for this by being able to detect rancid food and be scared off by it- hence why you often know something is off just by smelling it!

Hope this helps answer your question

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