why won’t there be a nuclear explosion if a nuclear weapon is shot down?


why won’t there be a nuclear explosion if a nuclear weapon is shot down?

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10 Answers

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None of the answers are ELI5 enough for me.


You’re walking around with a bunch of eggs on a plate. If you walk too fast, or stop too quickly, OOPS, the eggs fall, and they’re so FRAGILE that they break.

Nuclear weapons are **not fragile** like that. You can’t just drop one and it explodes. You can’t even hammer one with a hammer to make it explode. In fact, you can’t even make it explode if you shot it with a shotgun.

In fact, in order to make one go off, you have to do this really complex, really intricate procedure. It’s not something you can accidentally do, and even if you try really hard, you can’t make it happen without a lot of engineering.

**They’re just not fragile like that.**

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